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According to the Government's Resolution 26/NQ-CP (2020) on the sustainable development strategy of Vietnam’s marine economy, coastal seaweed has been identified as having significant potential in developing functional ingredients and food products. These products hold high value for both domestic use and export. This project aims to enhance cooperation between Ireland and Vietnam by leveraging the synergy between potential human resources, infrastructure, and research expertise. By focusing on the cultivation and development of seaweed-based products, the project will play a crucial role in promoting the marine economy. Additionally, the project will enhance research capacity for scientists, practitioners, and students, laying the foundation for long-term and mutually beneficial outcomes for both countries.

The project focuses on three main objectives:

  1. Supporting farmers and seaweed harvesters: Providing the necessary knowledge and skills to manage raw materials and ensure sustainability in cultivation and harvesting practices. This includes establishing standards for seaweed cultivation, selecting the best strains, and managing post-harvest quality.
  2. Research and development of seaweed-based products: Focusing on the development of high-value commercial ingredients and food products derived from seaweed. The project will explore the use of seaweed as a unique ingredient in food and beverages, while also transferring technology to the food industry.
  3. Building research capacity: Enhancing the research capabilities of scientists, undergraduate, and postgraduate students through the integration of education and advanced research. The project also aims to improve research responsiveness, employ digital tools in research, and strengthen skills in information dissemination and publication of research findings