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Dr. Matthias Schmid

Marie-Sklodowska Curie Research Fellow Sulpice Lab

School of Chemical and Biological Sciences University of Galway

I am interested how the environmental conditions shape seaweeds and how seaweeds influence their environment. I received a PhD from NUIG in 2016, during which I investigated the variability of bioactive compounds in seaweeds in response to environmental stressors. After finishing my PhD, I received an Australian Endeavour Fellowship as well as a German Research Council Grant to work in the group of Prof. Catriona Hurd at the University of Tasmania (Australia) on the impacts of climate change on various brown and red seaweeds. I then worked in a project on environmental impacts and benefits of kelp aquaculture in the group of Nessa O’Connor at Trinity College Dublin.

In 2022, I joined the group of Ronan Sulpice as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow and am currently investigating various tools for strain selection of the red seaweed Palmaria palmata.